maart 2

Rolling Resistance

Cited from “The quotient of rolling resistance of all resistances amounts to 20 – 25 percent. That is: every fourth to fifth tankful is consumed only to overcome rolling resistance. Remarkable: Up to about 60 mph rolling resistance is larger than aerodynamic resistance of a vehicle!

Properties and quality of a tyre therefore have a great influence on petrol consumption and thus on petrol cost. Naturally rolling resistance can never be eliminated altogether – a reduction by 30 percent however can be achieved with low-rolling-resistance tyres; this resembles a reduction in petrol consumption by about 5%. A good reason to ponder using such tyres.

How is rolling resistance created? If you ever tried to push a stroller on a sandy beach, you have experienced an extreme example of high rolling resistance. And how much energy is required to overcome it. In a car rolling resistance becomes noticeable like this: the tyres of a vehicle are being deformed in each wheel rotation by the weight of the vehicle. The tyre adheres to the road with its road tread surface, which dissipates energy.”

Rolling resistance is optimized by employing the right tyre pressure. Too low a tyre pressure will lead to increased rolling resistance and petrol consumption and tyre tread wear also in low-rolling-resistance tyres.

Therefore, retrofit TireMoni.


petrol consumption, petrol performance, retrofit, road tread, rolling resistance, savings potential, TireMoni, tyre, tyre mileage, tyre pressure control, tyre pressure monitoring

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